
11951868_10100724320118822_1556429719033777007_nWhat is P90X? 

  • It’s the program everyone’s talking about—the #1 best-selling extreme fitness program in America.
  • P90X is a revolutionary system of 12 muscle-pumping workouts designed to take you from regular to ripped in 90 days and get you in the best shape of your life.

How does P90X work?

  • The secret that’s made P90X a best-selling phenomenon is Muscle Confusion™.
  • By constantly introducing new moves, this advanced training technique keeps your body’s muscles continually challenged, so you can get better AND faster results. Your body never plateaus, and you never get bored.

Who is P90X for?  P90X is for any of the following guys and gals:

  • For anyone who wants to lose excess fat, gain lean muscle, prepare for athletic events, excel at sports, and improve their health.
  • Designed for people who are fit and looking for an intense program for rapid results.
  • Flexible, so that you can customize according to your fitness level and goals.
  • People who have TIME on their hands! The abs workout is only 15 minutes, but most workouts are an hour long, and Yoga X is 90 minutes! If you’re short on time, you may want to consider P90X3 instead.

Here’s a short video on P90X:


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