Country Heat


Country Heat is a high-energy, low-impact dance workout that’s so simple and so fun, you’ll love it from the very first step. Each 30-minute routine is packed with easy-to-follow dance moves set to the hottest country music around. All you have to do is follow along and before you know it, you’re scorching calories, burning fat, and melting away the pounds as you reshape your entire body – all in just 30 days. Plus, it comes with an easy-to-follow portion control nutrition plan to maximize your results.

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Here’s a short video on Country Heat:

This program is great for anyone who’s looking for a simple, fun, and effective way to lose weight and get fit. While Country Heat is perfect for beginners, it’s also a great cardio-based workout for people at all fitness levels who like to dance or want to stay in shape. It’s also a great choice for people who like to dance but are intimidated by choreography. There are no complicated moves, no weights or equipment—just follow along and you’ll be dancing right from Day One. Also great for anyone looking for a low-impact exercise program (no jumping or weights).

I got to try a sneak peek of the Country Swing workout, and here’s a short video of me getting silly with some of the moves:

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